Monday, May 18, 2009

March industrial production down 2.3% yoy

India's industrial production contracted the most in well over a decade in March due to a sharp drop in the manufacturing output, even as electricity and mining components reported growth, government data showed. Industrial output shrank 2.3% in March as against a growth of 5.5% in the same month last year, beating average expectation of a 0.5-0.7% fall, the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) said. This is the worst performance for the IIP since January 1993. February's figure was revised to a 0.7% drop from a preliminary estimate of a 1.2% decline.
Within the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), the manufacturing segment shrank by 3.3% (5.7%), while mining rose by a modest 0.4% (4.9%) and electricity output climbed by a decent 6.3% (3.7%), the CSO data revealed. For the year ended March 31, 2009 industrial production was up by just 2.4% as against 8.5% in the previous financial year. The cumulative growth in the three sub-segments has been pegged at 2.3%, 2.3% and 2.8% respectively during April-March 2008-09 over the year-ago period.
As many as 5 out of the 17 industry groups showed positive growth during the month compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. The industry group ‘Beverages, Tobacco & Related Products’ showed the highest growth of 15.1%, followed by 8.3% in ‘Basic Chemicals & Chemical Products’ and 7.0% in ‘Transport Equipment & Parts’. On the other hand, the industry group ‘Food Products’ showed a negative growth of 35.8% followed by 25.1% in ‘Wood & Wood Products' and 19.7% in ‘Other Manufacturing Industries’.
The sectoral growth rates in Basic Goods, Capital Goods and Intermediate Goods during the month stood at 1.4%, (-) 8.2% and (-) 4.4%, respectively. Consumer Durables and Consumer Non-durables recorded growth of 8.3% and (-) 3.6% respectively, with the overall growth in Consumer Goods being (-) 0.8%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really the result of this economic slow down we are facing why this digits slows down also. The industrial equipment industries like in the derrick trucks has its own story. But its trying to cope up since this is always a need equipment in the industry.

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